How important is mental strength and preparation at 14U/16U?

  Tough and Clean: Finding the balance  
As players advance to 14U/16U and beyond, the game intensifies. Athletes’ bodies are maturing, the pace picks up and the quality of play improves rapidly. For boys, body-checking is now permitted. And for girls, body contact and physical play also ramps up. To be elite, there’s an element of toughness that becomes necessary. What exactly is toughness, and how can we as parents ensure our kids play tough, clean hockey?
  Q: The dog days of winter have bitten into my game. What can I do to help me get out of this funk?

A: Bark back at the "dog days" with a two-pronged approach. Be sure to address your mental and physical approach to the game. From a mental perspective, it’s important to re-energize your thoughts. From a physical standpoint, it’s important to be patient over the course of the season.

Late Avoidable Hit
USA Hockey continues to place an emphasis on the proper execution of a body-check with the focus on separating the opponent from the puck. Tactics that include intimidation or punishment are not acceptable. One such area is the action of "finishing the check" whereby a player delivers a late, avoidable body-check to an opponent who no longer has possession and control of the puck.
Why losing is good for your hockey player »

A flawed approach: searching for talent but finding age »

Hockey players are constantly using geometry »
  Touchpoint Media